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By now you'll have had a good look at our website and you'll know the types of books at which we excel. If you feel your idea or finished manuscript fits in with our list, send a sample chapter and a detailed synopsis with a stamped self-addressed envelope (so we can return your work) to the Submissions Editor of Michael O'Mara Books. Please do not send precious copies of the completed work in the first instance.

Standard response times for submissions are 4-6 weeks, so please do be patient when you send something in to us. We do try to respond sooner where possible.

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Alternatively, e-mail your synopsis and sample chapter to us at [email protected]

Should we ask to publish your work, you will need to be able to provide it on disk as well as hard copy. Please send to: Michael O'Mara Books, 9 Lion Yard, Tremadoc Road, London SW4 7NQ.